How long Does it Take to Complete a Website?

Typically, most projects are completed within 2-4 weeks. However, the timeframe will change depending on two significant aspects: 1) The size of the project and 2) How quickly we can get what we need from you? Within these few weeks, our process consists of five basic steps. First, we have a meeting to learn about your business needs, followed by developing your website according to those requirements. Next, once a draft version of the site is satisfied, it is published to be seen online– along with feedback requests if necessary. Then finally, maintenance assistance is provided at an affordable price after completion.


What is The Best CMS for B2B Websites?

It doesn’t matter what CMS you use; how you implement it makes the most difference. It depends on your budget, what features are important to you, how often it needs updating, and security.
For example, we recommend WordPress because it’s easy for internal staff to manage updates when they come around and it’s also reasonably priced (we know budgets are tight!). And as your business grows, so does the design!


How do I do SEO research for my B2B website?

Creating an initial list of keywords that may be good candidates for your business is essential. This can be done by browsing various lists from sites such as Wordstream or Ubersuggest. Once you’ve generated a preliminary list, plug them into multiple tools such as Google Keyword Tool or Keyword Inspector (both are available at no cost). Finally, the Web Detective will provide the keyword search for your specific business and identify your competitors. This is included in the project.

How May We Help You!

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like assistance.

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